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This set of hand-held visuals has been designed for the following language activities: 1. Introducing essential vocabulary and structures by progressive development of a meaningful storyline. 2. Practicing and reinforcing tenses, irregular verbs, idiomatic expressions, and question formation. 3. Building listening-comprehension skills critical to everyday situations. 4. Stimulating conversation by progressing from controlled oral practice to original self-expression. STORY DEVELOPMENT: The basic story is given at two different proficiency levels on the back of each visual. The first version presents essential verbal expressions and stresses irregular verbs in the past tense. The second version includes additional sentence structures and vocabulary. It focuses on slightly different structures, such as separating two-word verbs. For example, the first version may have a sentence like “Carmen put on her coat.” The second version shows “Carmen put her coat on.” A corresponding set of comprehension questions accompanies each version of the story. DESIGN AND FORMAT: FORMATThis comprehensive set of instructional materials includes the following components: 1. Forty-eight attractively illustrated, hand-held visuals. 2. Two complete storylines with corresponding comprehensive questions. 3. and two reproducible reading passages for follow-up and reinforcement. 4. Two reproducible contextual quizzes (i.e., cloze passages) to evaluate student comprehension.

Story Time Flash Cards - Everything Went Wrong

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