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Reproducible worksheets have unquestionably played a prominent role in education beginning

with the invention of the ditto machine or spirit master, photocopier, overhead projector, and

now the “smart board.”

Worksheets are important in supplementing, reinforcing, and expanding your

lessons. No matter how good or complete the content of your textbook or curriculum may be,

there will always be a need to fill in the gaps in knowledge and skills your students need to


The value of worksheets in teaching English as a Second Language is clear.

Worksheets help students:

• review and understand already-taught materials in a new way

• learn through a variety of different methods

• develop writing and spelling skills

• have fun doing challenging grammar and vocabulary-building assignments

• keep their minds active and engaged

• learn new words and phrases on a topic

• make inferences, evaluate choices, and draw conclusions

• refresh and help retain grammar points and vocabulary they have just learned

• visualize the new words through photos

• continue learning outside of the classroom

Crossword puzzles help teachers:

• supplement textbooks and curriculum

• extend and reinforce existing lessons

• keep students’ interest

• provide extra homework or classroom assignment to improve English skills

• employ additional methods of presenting grammar and vocabulary

• reinforce already-taught structures and vocabulary words

• review and test students with a less intimidating and threatening too

Group Activities for Advanced ESL Students

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